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Asphalt Parking Lot Repair & Sealcoating Companies
Sioux City
Request A FREE Asphalt Repair or Asphalt Sealcoating
Estimate From Our Pre-Screened, Background Checked
Sioux City Asphalt Repair Companies!
Enter your estimate request into the form below or call
1-888-333-1769! We'll provide you with up to three (3) estimates from our pre-screened asphalt
repair, maintenance and sealcoating companies in
Sioux City right away!
Sioux City Asphalt Repair
If you're looking for the best asphalt repair or asphalt sealcoating companies in
Sioux City , you've come to the right place!
We're All About Parking Lots, a website
dedicated to helping commercial property owners and managers just like you not only learn all about the proper
installation and maintenance of parking lots, but also find honest and reliable companies to help you get the
job done right the first time!
With nearly 2 decades of experience in the asphalt industry, our founder Patrick Mattingley, has carefully
gathered together the best Asphalt Repair
Companies serving
Sioux City and the surrounding areas.
To request a FREE estimate just enter your contact information into the form above or call us at 1-866-966-9939
and we'll connect you with up to (3) three pre-screened an background checked companies right away!*
Our list of recommended companies will be notified of your request and get in touch with you within 24 to 48
hours! You'll also receive an email with a link to a web page with a list of each company you can be expecting
to hear from, with all of their contact information and read ratings and reviews from other property owners
who've used them in the past!

"How To Virtually Guarantee Professional Asphalt
Parking Lot Repair And Sealcoating That Will Last!"
Do you own or manage a commercial office building, commercial retail center, restaurant, apartment
building, church, or HOA?
It's no secret that one of the keys to higher occupancy rates, the best paying tenants and more visitors is a
well maintained and well groomed parking lot!
Think about it... what's the first thing people see when visitors pull up to a business, church or residential
The parking lot!
If the parking lot has potholes, failed areas, the striping is faded and the entire parking lot just looks old
worn out and ugly, that's a direct reflection on the tenants, business owners and homeowners. The cleaner and
sharper the parking lot is, the more customers. The cleaner and sharper the parking lot is, the better the
tenants. The cleaner and sharper the parking lot is, the more pride homeowners and renters have in their
property. The cleaner and sharper the parking lot is, the more appealing it is to visitors. It just makes sense
to have the first thing people see looking the best!
And hiring the right contractor to provide quality asphalt repair, maintenance or sealcoating services
is an extremely important part of the process!
Did you know asphalt repair and sealcoating industry is one of the most fraudulent industries in the country?
There's little or virtually zero regulation of asphalt parking lot repair and sealing. Asphalt
Sealing Scams scams can be found just about everywhere!And yes... unfortunately even in and
around the
Sioux City area!
There is little or virtually no regulation of the asphalt repair and maintenance industry. More people get burned
by unethical and inexperienced asphalt repair and asphalt sealcoating companies than just about any other
industry out there!
And the worst part is... most people don't even realize it until it's much too late!
Think about it... to get into the asphalt repair or asphalt sealcoating business, there's not a tremendous amount
of specialized knowledge required and there's not a large up front investment required, especially if the
contractor is renting their equipment. Just about anyone can start an asphalt repair and/or asphalt sealcoating
Now, that's not meant to demean the good and honest asphalt repair companies out there... not at all. There are
some honest, hard working folks in this business. But it's just to point out that a person must do their due
diligence when hiring an asphalt repair or sealcoating company. It's very easy to wind up hiring the wrong
Some companies will also go without general liability insurance or workers compensation insurance which then
allows them to cut their prices, outbidding the honest and ethical companies who DO carry insurance. They'll
them perform the work but then fall way short on quality. The next thing you know, it's only a year or two later
and the work they did has to be done AGAIN!
How many times have you had your parking lot sealcoated and within a year or so it's already faded and needs to
be sealed once again?
How many times have you had asphalt patching or repairs done and within a few months to a year, it's already
cracking and breaking apart?
How do they do it?
How do they continually get away with this?
They offer low, tempting prices that are hard to say no to! And understandably so... we all want to save money
don't we? Most people love to get a great deal, but when it comes to asphalt repair and sealcoating on a parking
lot, the long term effects can be much more damaging than beneficial!
Unfortunately if the parking lot repair or the parking lot sealcoating is done improperly, in the end, we can
end up spending hundreds, if not thousands of dollars just fixing their mistakes.
Common Ways Asphalt Repair Companies Will Short Us:
Asphalt Patching
Patching over areas where the asphalt should be removed and replaced. Instead, they'll
either repair these areas with an infrared patching machine, or they'll apply a thin layer of new
asphalt over the area (also known as a "skin patch") which will not withstand normal wear and
tear. These types of patch jobs over areas that should be removed and replaced usually fail within a
couple of months or sometimes even weeks!
They're simply just band-aid patch jobs that will last just long enough for the contractor to get paid
and get out of there!
Asphalt Crack Sealing
Some companies will perform asphalt crack sealing services with products not meant for asphalt and do
absolutely nothing to prevent water from penetrating them. This ends up causing further damage to the
asphalt in the future resulting in alligatoring, which then needs to be removed and replaced.
Common Ways Asphalt Sealcoating Companies Will Short Us:
Water Based Asphalt Sealcoating
Watering down and diluting asphalt emulsion and coal tar sealers way beyond manufacturer specifications to get
more coverage and increase profits. This does absolutely nothing to protect your asphalt parking lot and
probably one of the main reasons the last job faded so fast!
Oil Based Asphalt Sealing
Diluting oil based asphalt sealers with solvents, gasoline and thinners giving the illusion that the asphalt has
been sealed when in reality... it's only been painted black! This also does absolutely nothing to protect your
asphalt parking lot!
As a matter of fact, diluting the sealer, water or oil based, is one of the most common asphalt sealing scams out
Take A Look At The Pictures Below:
A parking lot sealed with water based asphalt sealer
A parking lot sealed with an oil based asphalt sealer
The parking lot on the left was sealed properly with water based sealer mixed to manufacturers specifications.
The picture on the right was sealed with oil based sealer that was obviously diluted which is against
manufacturers specifications.
And one of the worst disservices:
Some companies will recommend sealing and patching the parking lot when it should be either removed and replaced
or in some cases, possibly overlayed. But instead they convince us that this lower cost option will be just fine
and promise it will last much longer than it really will!
Take A Look At The Pictures Below:
An old worn out parking lot
An overpatched parking lot
Both of these parking lots could easily fall into the hands of an asphalt contractor who's only goal is to line
their pockets with your money!
And by the time you realize their "lower cost" option was really just a waste of money... they're long gone. And
the warranty? If they had one... has ran out!
Imagine paying thousands of dollars to have your asphalt parking lot sealed, thinking you’re protecting it
and extending the life of it, only to find out that instead, it did absolutely nothing except made the beat up
parking lot look black again? What a disservice that is isn't it?
The unethical companies know that most people don't understand proper asphalt repair and sealing techniques that
need to be done to ensure a good quality job. This makes it easy for them to take advantage of us. They know
that when we ask them questions, they can simply reply with answers we want to hear, rather
than giving us the honest answers.
They assure us they'll do a great job, but conveniently leave out the most important details! Then, when they
perform the work, they cut corners to save time and money and increase their profits!
They know their work will last just long enough to outlive their warranty, and not as long as it should! And by
the time we realize we received a bad job, they've already been paid and they're long gone!
We end up spending thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars repairing and maintaining their mistakes year,
after year, after year!
We receive hundreds of questions and complaints from property owners from all over the country about unethical
asphalt repair and sealcoating companies who do these very same things! We see the results of unethical parking
lot repair advice day after day!
Unfortunately, the same problems occur with inexperienced companies too. While they may have good intentions,
they cause more headaches and wasted money trying to fix their mistakes. Ultimately, it just ends up costing
much more money in the long run.
Putting too much trust in an inexperienced contractor is just not worth it! Worse making the mistake of hiring an
asphalt repair contractor or sealing company that ends up just ripping us off!
It's Just Not Worth The Risk Is It?
So just how does someone choose an asphalt repair contractor and be certain they have adequate experience? How
does someone choose an asphalt repair company and be certain they're not going to mislead us? How can someone be
sure that the asphalt repair contractor they want to hire hasn't ripped off other commercial property owners in
the past? How can someone be sure the contractor they hire has the proper licensing to perform asphalt repair
services? Is the contractor fully insured and is it in force at the time the work is being performed?How much
does good, quality asphalt repair and sealcoating services cost?
Even more important: Is the contractor experienced enough to know how to manage a job to have the least amount of
impact as possible on the businesses and homeowners while the work is being done?
These are all questions that most of us ask, but really have no way of knowing or verifying! To do such
extensive background verification can require days of research, time and money. Unfortunately, with little or no
knowledge of asphalt repair and asphalt sealcoating services, there's just no guarantee that the job will turn
out right if you don't know what you're looking for
So What's The Solution?
Pre-screened and background checked expert companies!
We've been in the asphalt business ourselves for well over a decade, and during that time we've installed and
maintained hundreds of parking lots.
We started AllAboutParkinglots.com to help commercial property owners and managers, HOA's, and apartment
complexes save time, money and headaches and avoid the pitfalls of poorly maintained asphalt parking lots.
Everything you need to know is right here, in one place, on this web site! Patrick Mattingley, the creator and
developer of AllAboutParkingLots.com, shares his almost 2 decades of experience and provides transparent,
unbiased facts and details about all phases of asphalt parking lot repair, maintenance and sealcoating.
Just a few minutes of research on our web site can potentially save years of headaches and thousands, if not
tens of thousands, of dollars on unnecessary parking lot maintenance and repairs.
The bottom line... here at AllAboutParkingLots.com, we provide you with all of the information you need to help
save you from the regret of hiring the wrong
Sioux City asphalt repair contractor!
So Why Request An Estimate From AllAboutParkingLots.com?
Simple! We've Done All Of The Hard Work For You!
We've performed a rigorous pre-screening and background check process on each and
every company that we have listed on our referral list which includes:
Criminal Record Search, SSN & Identity Verification, Sexual Offender Registry,
and Terrorist Database check.
All companies must provide current and ongoing proof of General Liability
Insurance and Workers Compensation Insurance for all employees. This way if an employee is hurt while
working on your property or, if any property is damaged, you know you're covered! As a Certificate
Holder, we're notified immediately if insurance is cancelled or has lapsed. That contractor is
immediately removed from our list until insurance is reinstated and a detailed explanation of the lapse
is submitted!
All companies must be properly licensed in the state, counties and cities that
they perform asphalt repair and asphalt sealcoating. **Where licensing is required
All companies must have a minimum of 1 year in business. We know exactly what
questions to ask and what to look for to verify a companies knowledge and experience about asphalt
repair and asphalt sealcoating!
All companies must agree to perform asphalt repair and asphalt sealcoating
services at or above manufacturer's specifications and deliver an exceptional customer experience! No
Sioux City asphalt repair contractor is immune to our guidelines. If you have a complaint about one of our trusted
companies, we'll investigate it and help to mediate a swift resolution.
Only companies who agree to our strict guidelines will be listed as a member.
Companies who don't adhere to these guidelines will be removed from our web site!
We take our job and your protection very
serious! There is absolutely no one that goes to the extent that we do to provide you with peace of
mind. The entire pre-screening process can take up to 7-10 days before we approve and recommend a
Honest, trustworthy contractors that do quality work are hard to find. Good
contractors come and go. In the event that we do not have any official members in
Sioux City , we'll forward your request to our partner network in an effort to help you obtain the estimates
you were expecting. *Partner Network's Privacy Policy will Apply.
We Know You Can Trust Our Official Registered
Sioux City Asphalt Repair Companies!
As a matter of fact, out of all of the asphalt paving companies we've spoken to in
Sioux City , very few are willing to endure our vetting process.*
The only asphalt repair companies we recommend are companies that we would hire for our own projects. You can
rest easy and feel confident knowing that we're here to help you get good, quality asphalt repair or asphalt
sealcoating services that will last!
Request A FREE Asphalt Repair or Asphalt Sealcoating Estimate
From Our Pre-Screened
Sioux City Asphalt Repair Companies!
Enter your estimate request into the form below or call
1-888-333-1769! We'll provide you with up to three (3) estimates from our pre-screened asphalt repair,
maintenance and sealcoating companies in
Sioux City right away!
Sioux City Asphalt Repair
Thanks for visiting AllAboutParkingLots.com!